Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The gracious hand of my God was upon me           Nehemiah 2:18

Joe and Linda Goasa - death of their son
Family of Fred Carver - Mr Carver's passing away
Kiesha Holland - new baby
George and Daisy Winters - Health Issues
Vicki HAmilton - Health Issues
Jaydon Adams - cancer/1yr old
Clayton Trusty - Cancer /13yrs old
Chelsea and Haley Rutherford - Sister/Cystic Fibrosis
Hazel Crawford - Health Issues
Geraldine Brisco - Cancer
Mary Frances Steed - Cancer
Rogers Family - Death of Tommy Rogers
Linda Turner - Flu
Teresa Craig  - Health Issues
Jason Koonce - unspoken
Cody Winters - Unspoken
Ricky Koonce - Nerve block
Claudine Beck - Health Issues
Debra Williams - Recovering from sinus infection
Pam Hammond - Death of Uncle
Wayne Clark - Unspoken
Eric Winters - Unspoken

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Jesus said "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me"   John 10:27

Carver Family - loss of Fred carver
Goasa Family - loss of Steve Goasa
Mary Frances Steed - Cancer
Richard Thomas - CAr Accident/serious condition/ICU at University Jackson
Hazel Crawford - Traveling/Waiting on medical test results
Ann Sivley - Traveling
Alton Waltman - Traveling
Randy & Hunter Harrell - Traveling
Jodie Koonce - Sick
McKenzie Austin - Sick
Jason Koonce - Unspoken
Cody Winters - Unspoken
Vicki Hamilton - Health Issues
Vicki and Jimmi Hamilton - Traveling
Ricky Koonce - Nerve Block procedure today
Christopher Trusty - 13yrs old/Cancer
Jaydon Adams - 1yr old/Cancer
Kiesha Holland - pregnancy
Debra Williams - Sick
Claudine Beck - Hospital/Sick
Geraldine Brisco - Cancer
Teresa Craig - Health Issues
Austin Mims - 1yr old/running really high fever/going to dr
Pam Hammond - loss of Uncle
Childs Family - loss of Marvin Childs
Jake Hobson - sick
Daisy and George Winters - Unspoken/Health Issues
Ethan Hobson - Sick
Evan Stokley - recovering from surgery
Tissy Walton - Unspoken

Monday, October 5, 2009


Praise be to the God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles    2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Family of Steve Goasa - Funeral today
Family of Fred Carver - passed away last week
Brower Family - passing of their young daughter
Geraldine Brisco - just found out she has bone cancer
Karen Moorman - Illness
Debra Williams - Illness
Richard Thomas - Carwreck/very critical
Cody Winters - Unspoken
Hazel Crawford - waiting on test results from biopsy
Keisha Holland - pregnancy induction this week
Tissy Waltman - Unspoken
Downing Family - arrival of their new baby daughter
Jodie Austin - special unspoken
McKenzie Austin - another ear infection
Jason Koonce - Unspoken
Phil Atkins - Unspoken
George and Daisy Winters - traveling
Linda, Joe and Jessica Goasa - will be traveling home after burial of their son today
Peggy Lane - Traveling
Ricky Koonce - recovering from nerve block/pain in neck area
Vickie Hamilton - Health Issues
Christopher Trusty - 13yr old/Cancer
Jaydon Adams - 1yr old / Cancer
Chelsea Rutherford - Cystic Fibrosis - 9yrs old
Haley Rutherford - Cystic Fibrosis/Also found out she has diabetes - 7 yrs old
Randy and Hunter Harrell - traveling later in the week
Graydon Hunt - recovering from illness
Brandi Hunt - sick child
Claudine Beck - Illness

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings to deep for words      Romans 8:26

Family of Steve Goasa - His passing away
Family of Fred Carver - Mr. Carver was killed yesterday in a tractor accident
Tingle Family - passing of their Husband/Father
Casandra Nix - Pregnancy Complications
Jason Koonce - Special Unspoken
Kelly Koonce - Unspoken
Jaydon Adams - 1yr old/Cancer
Chelsea Rutherford - Cystic Fibrosis/Was able to come home
Haley Rutherford - Cystic Fibrosis/Hospitalized/Sister to Chelsea/Haley also found out that she has diabetes and will require shots to manage
Ricky Koonce - Neck Injury/Will undergo nerve block procedure Thursday
Viner Family - Traveling
Christopher Clayton Trusty - 13yrs old/Cancer
Mary Frances Steed - Cancer
Cody Winters - Unspoken
Evan Stokely - Recovering from Surgery
Erma Steed - Foot Injury/Not healing properly
Elaine Iglecia - Unspoken
Vicki Hamilton - Health Issues
Hazel Crawford - Waiting on test results from doctor
Phyllis Jones - Unspoken
Garland Campbell - Health Issues
Delores Russell - Unspoken
Burke Smith - Health Issues
Lindsey & Bradley Barrett - Unspoken
Brower Family - Loss of teenage daughter

Monday, September 28, 2009


Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you     Jeremiah 29:12

Goasa Family - Steve Goasa passed away Sunday morning. Please lift up his wife,children, parents and extended family
Graydon Hunt - illness
Viner Family - traveling
Christopher Clayton Trusty - 13yrs old/Cancer
Jaydon Adams - 1yr old / Cancer
Evan Stokley - Recovering from Surgery
Elaine Iglecia - Unspoken
Cody Winters - Unspoken
Jason Koonce - Unspoken/heavy burdens
Sandra Koonce - medical test being run
Ricky Koonce - Neck injury
Sam Hobson - Unspoken
Vicki Hamilton - Health issues
Hazel Crawford - Health Issues
Garland Campbell - Health Issues
Delores Russell - Unspoken
Phyllis Jones - Unspoken
Blake Williams - illness
Erma Steed - foot injury/not healing properly
Kenny Rae Hobson - Health Issues
Burke Smith - Health Issues
Becky Marshall - looking for employment
Lindsey and Bradley Barrett - unspoken
Casandra Nix - pregnancy complications
Jennifer Williams - Husband in Iraq

Friday, September 25, 2009


And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are speaking, I will hear       Isaiah 65:24

Steven Goasa - Cancer/very ill
Mary Frances Steed - Cancer
Teresa Craig - Health Issues
Graydon Hunt - 1yr old/ home sick/running high grade fever
Gracie Hobson - home sick
Hazel Crawford - sick
Jason & Kelly Koonce - Unspoken/Special prayer needed
Jennie & Tommy Williams - Unspoken
The Viner Family - Traveling
Randy Harrell - Traveling
McKenzie Austin - Ear Infection
Jodie Austin - Sick Child/ Unspoken
Becky Marshall - Looking for job
Casandra Nix - Pregnancy Complications
Burke Smith - Health
Christopher Clayton Trusty - 13yr old/Cancer
Jaydan Adams - 1yr old / Cancer
Evan Stokely - Recovering from Surgery
Delores Russell - Unspoken
Phyillis Jones - Unspoken
Elaine Iglecia - Unspoken
Ricky Koonce - Neck pain
Sam Hobson -  Unspoken
Vicki Hamilton - Health
The Brower Family - loss of teenage daugther
Tingle Family - loss of dad/Husband
Mary Gaddy - health
Chelsea Rutherford - 9yrs old/ Cystic Fibrosis
Erma Steed - foot injury/not healing properly

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning    Lamentations 3:22-23

Steve Goasa - Critically Ill w/Cancer
Mary Frances Steed - Cancer
Delores Russell - unspoken
Phyllis Jones - Unspoken
Elaine Iglecia - Unspoken
Evan Stokely - tumor on bone/under going surgery today
Jayden Adams - 1yr old/Cancer
Jason Koonce - unspoken/Special lifting
Kelly Koonce - unspoken
Jennie & Tommy Williams - unspoken
McKenzie Austin - Ear Infection
Hazel Crawford - Health issues
Garland Campbell - Health Issues
Casandra Nix - Pregnancy Complications
Burke Smith - Health issues
George and Daisy Winters - Health issues
Randy Harrell - Traveling
The Viner Family - Traveling
The Brower Family - Lost of teenage daughter
Becky Marshall - praying for employment
Cody Winters - Unspoken
Ricky Koonce - Health/Doctors believe he may have a pinched nerve/ suffering with pain
Jake Hobson - recovering from minor foot injury
Vicki Hamilton - health issues
Mary Gaddy - bone malformation in foot/unable to do surgery/ 9 yrs old/must learn to cope with pain
Christopher Clayton Trusty - 13yrs old/Cancer
Chelsea Rutherford - 9 yrs old/Cystic Fibrosis
Tingle Family - grieving loss of father/Husband
Erma Steed - foot injury/not healing properly
Graydan Hunt - illness
