Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings to deep for words      Romans 8:26

Family of Steve Goasa - His passing away
Family of Fred Carver - Mr. Carver was killed yesterday in a tractor accident
Tingle Family - passing of their Husband/Father
Casandra Nix - Pregnancy Complications
Jason Koonce - Special Unspoken
Kelly Koonce - Unspoken
Jaydon Adams - 1yr old/Cancer
Chelsea Rutherford - Cystic Fibrosis/Was able to come home
Haley Rutherford - Cystic Fibrosis/Hospitalized/Sister to Chelsea/Haley also found out that she has diabetes and will require shots to manage
Ricky Koonce - Neck Injury/Will undergo nerve block procedure Thursday
Viner Family - Traveling
Christopher Clayton Trusty - 13yrs old/Cancer
Mary Frances Steed - Cancer
Cody Winters - Unspoken
Evan Stokely - Recovering from Surgery
Erma Steed - Foot Injury/Not healing properly
Elaine Iglecia - Unspoken
Vicki Hamilton - Health Issues
Hazel Crawford - Waiting on test results from doctor
Phyllis Jones - Unspoken
Garland Campbell - Health Issues
Delores Russell - Unspoken
Burke Smith - Health Issues
Lindsey & Bradley Barrett - Unspoken
Brower Family - Loss of teenage daughter

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