Thursday, September 17, 2009


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God    -   Philippians 4:6

Steve Goasa - Cancer
Mary Frances Steed - Cancer
Christopher Clayton Trusty - 13yrs old w/Cancer
Chelsea Rutherford - cystic fibrosis/critical in hospital
Jason & Kelly Koonce - special unspoken
Cody Winters - unspoken
Mike Dill - mass on neck
Marvin Childs - illness/Hospice called in
Hazel Crawford - health issues
Randy Harrell - traveling
Debra Williams - unspoken
Kim Shows - numerous health issues
Gaye Montgomery - CAncer/Surgery
Linda Smith - health issues
Madeline BArry - health issues
Casandra Nix - pregnancy complications/Husband in Iraq
Sam Hobson - Unspoken
Eric Winters - Back injury
Burke Smith - serious health issues - 92yrs old
Pam HAmmond - Health Issues

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