Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him, and he will act         Psalm 37:5

Steven Goasa - Cancer/Still in the hospital
Mary Frances Steed - Cancer
Mary Gaddy - Dr. will not be able to do surgery on her feet, she must learn to live with the bone disease and the pain that comes from it
Hazel Crawford - Waiting on test results
Jason & Kelly Koonce - special unspoken
Tommy & Jennie Williams - Unspoken
Debra Williams - Unspoken
Mckenzie Austin - Recovering from illness/Praise that she is doing much better
Jodie Austin - Unspoken
Cody Winters - Unspoken
Christopher Clayton Trusty - 13yrs old - Cancer
Chelsea Rutherford - Cystic Fibrosis - 9yrs old/Serious
Casandra Nix - Pregnancy Complications/Husband in Iraq
Brower Family - Coffeeville/tragic death of their 17 yr old daughter Lacey
Becky Marshall - looking for employment
Judy& Courtney Tingle & Tiffany Honeycutt - dealing with the unexpected death of their Husband/dad
Burke Smith - 92years old/serious health issues
George and Daisy Winters - health issues
Eric Winters - Recovering from back injury
Vicki Hamilton - Fibromyalga/Cancer
Jake Hobson - Small injury on foot/healing well
Layoffs - people who are struggling to find employment
Janet Barefoot - upcoming arrival of her new baby
Randy Harrell - Traveling
Erma Steed - foot injury/Bone in not healing properly
Mike Bardo - health issues

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