Monday, September 21, 2009


Will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them.     Luke 18:7-8

Steve Goasa - Cancer/ Steve has been in the hospital nearly 2 weeks. They drained nearly 4 quarts of fluid off of him this weekend and the doctors are concerned about any damage to this heart.
Marvin Childs Family - Mr. Childs went to be with the Lord this weekend
McKenzie Austin - Illness
Jodie Austin - Sick Child/Unspoken
Jason & Kelly Koonce - Special Unspoken/ Please give extra care in lifting this family up
Christopher Clayton Trusty - Cancer/13years old
Chelsea Rutherford - Cystic Fibrosis/Hospital - 9yrs old
Mary Frances Steed - Cancer
Casandra Nix - Pregnancy complications/Husband in Iraq
Cody Winters - Unspoken
Eric Winters - Back Injury/Was able to go back to work yesterday but still in pain
Hazel Crawford - waiting on test results from Doctor
Garland Campbell - Health issues
Leverne Crawford - Alzheimers
Randy Harrell -  Traveling
Layoffs - I read over the weekend where several people lost there jobs last week in Greenwood. I just lift these families up during this time and pray that the Lord will meet their needs in supporting their families.
Sam Hobson - Unspoken
Burke Smith - Illness

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